If you need to cancel your booking you can do so by emailing us before Mon, 17 Jan 2022. The Administration Fee and a one-week rent cancellation fee will apply. The remaining balance of any payments will be refunded to you.
Cancellations on or after the Mon, 17 Jan 2022 will be considered an early termination and only be applicable if:
• You have withdrawn from Curtin University, or,
• There are exceptional extenuating circumstances.
The process for early terminations is outlined in the attached Accommodation Agreement in further detail.
Special circumstances for cancellation: If you have not yet commenced your course (undergraduate or postgraduate) at Curtin University, you have the option to cancel the contract up until 14 days prior to Mon, 17 Jan 2022 without penalty. This cancellation can be processed, and the balance of payments refunded to you, provided that documentation is received by the reservations team at least 14 days prior to Mon, 17 Jan 2022. This documentation must confirm non-acceptance/deferral of Curtin University's offer or failure to be offered a place at Curtin University.