Millfield House

Millfield House
Millfield House
Millfield House
Millfield House
Millfield House
Millfield House
入住桑德兰市中心全面翻新的Millfield House学生公寓,温馨如家的感觉扑面而来,邻近桑德兰大学
地址:Millfield House, 68 Hylton Rd, Sunderland桑德兰SR4 7BB查看地图
设施: , 提供家具, 公寓经理, 无线网络
房租包含: 无线网, 水费, 电费, 煤气费
Millfield House预定须知


4.1 Cancellation cooling off period(s)

If you choose to cancel your booking with Cloud Student Homes, you have 7 calendar days after signing your AST to do so. If you made your booking fewer than 7 calendar days before your AST start date you may cancel your booking up un*l the day prior to your tenancy start date, without incurring penalty. You may request to cancel your booking by sending an email to or contacting your property management team. Cloud Student Homes will refund your deposit within 10 working days of accepting your cancellation. International bank transfers can take longer to process funds and incur a transfer fee. 

4.2 Cancellations after the cooling off period(s) 

Any requests outside the above period will require you to find a student to replace you, who in turn will need to complete the AST and paid their deposit. Once they have passed the 7 day cool off period you will be released from the tenancy. 

4.3 Cancella/ons a^er you have moved into the accommoda/on 

You must speak to your local Property Manager if you are thinking about leaving your accommoda*on. If you do decide to leave your accommoda*on during your contracted term, the landlord may agree to release you from your contract, providing the condi*ons set out below are met: 

• You find a suitable replacement (who must be enrolled as a full-*me student at a local university or college) to take a new tenancy agreement for your room for the remaining period of your contract.

• The incoming tenant must sign an AST with Cloud Student Homes, providing the relevant requested documents, and where relevant also providing a suitable UK Guarantor.

• Refunds due will not be processed un*l the incoming tenant taking over the contract has signed the AST, paid and moved into the accommoda*on 

Pease note that you will be charged for the length of stay you occupied the room, and for any different in rental amount between yourself and the replacing student (if applicable). If you fail to find someone to take over your tenancy, you and your guarantor (if applicable) will be responsible for paying the full rent un*l the end of your contracted *me at the accommoda*on. 

4.4 Cancella/ons by Cloud Student Homes or the Landlord 

Our terms and condi*ons require you to sign your AST within the period specified on your electronic AST. If you and your Guarantor (if applicable) fail to sign your AST within this *mescale, your AST will be automa*cally cancelled. If for any reason Cloud Student Homes is not able to offer you accommoda*on once your AST is fully signed, we will contact you as soon as possible detailing the reasons why, or offering an alterna*ve solu*on. If we cannot offer an alterna*ve, or the alterna*ve is not suitable, we will refund all monies paid to Cloud Student Homes. 

4.5 First-year students who do not get a place at university: “No Place, No Stay” 

This offer is applicable to undergraduate first-year students only. If you are a prospec*ve first-year undergraduate student, and your offer of a place at your preferred university/higher educa*on ins*tu*on is withdrawn as a result of not achieving the required entry grades, you will be eligible to receive a refund of your deposit You may also be eligible to cancel under “No Place, No Stay” if you choose to go to a different university in a city that does not have availability in a Cloud Student Homes property because you have exceeded your expected grades.

To cancel under “No Place, No Stay”, you must supply either;

(a) a copy of a wricen rejec/on lecer from your chosen university/college or UCAS, which confirms that the results you required for acceptance were not achieved; or (b) a copy of the proof of acceptance to a new university by UCAS adjustment. This must be received by Cloud Student Homes ( or directly to your property management team) within 5 calendar days of the date on which your results are published. On receipt of the required documenta*on, the agreement will be cancelled with a refund of your deposit. 

6. Visas 

If your Visa has been refused then you will need to contact your accommoda*on team within 5 days of the refusal with the evidence of the refusal in order for your cancella*on to be processed and deposit refunded Please note that if a Cloud Student Homes property is within the city for your alternate University then the above does not apply – you will (subject to availability) be offered a room within the alternate property and be required to sign an alternate AST with the new accommodaDon. If there is no availability, then your AST from your original property will be cancelled. Please contact to transfer your tenancy or to query availability within your alternate city locaDon. 



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